A twin herself, Lisa Crawford Watson believes she has the insight to raise twins. Mounting obstacles impede the adoption process, and she examines whether such setbacks are signs that she shouldn’t adopt. But when identical twin infant sisters in need of a permanent, stable home come into her life, she falls in love with them and knows she is meant to mother them.
Adopting premature twin girls who were premature babies born with drugs and alcohol in their systems, and jostled, separately, from foster home to foster home, creates one hardship after another. While Lisa understands that raising children is a feat of sacrifice and unpredictability, she learns that caring for children born into trauma may be more difficult than she ever
could have imagined. Over the years, the twins wreak havoc on every relationship within the family and on Lisa’s heart.
Has adopting the girls caused more harm than good?
What We Wished For: An Adoption Story shares a woman’s quest to build a loving family. It is a tale of courage, perseverance, and what remains when things don’t go as imagined. This memoir speaks to anyone who has ever struggled with a life-altering decision, one from which there is no turning back.
With unflinching candor and vulnerability, What We Wished For explores what it means to be a mother and the hard truth that sometimes the biggest act of love is to let go. —Meredith May, author of The Honey Bus